
A Summary of the WRHA Minutes...

Minutes of the Board Meeting 10/12/23

Minutes of meeting held at 20611 Coventry Circle @1pm Thursday October 12, 2023

In Attendance:
Brian Firebaugh
Mark Marshall
Matthew Palmer
Carl Natalizia
Eric Decker
Ray Miao


1. Minutes of the 2023 annual meeting held 4/22/23 were received and accepted.

2. New WRHOA officers were proposed, seconded and unanimously approved (term noted):

Carl Natalizia- President (through 2025)
Mark Marshall- Secretary (through Apr 2025)
Eric Decker- Treasurer (through Apr 2024)
Others in attendance designated as Members at Large.

3. The HOA maintains a PO Box. One set of keys were transferred from Ray Miao to Carl Natalizia. The other set is in Caroline Marks possession- Eric Decker is tasked to secure the second set.

4. The President and Treasurer need to sign the signature cards at the bank (1 st Interstate)

5. Eric Decker and Mark Marshall are tasked with securing Secretarial docs and treasury docs.
Mark Marshall has a link provided by Caroline Marks to obtain these documents.

6. Generated during the annual homeowners meeting was a committee sign up sheet.  President Natalizia will review this list and act to secure volunteer commitments.

7. The Fire Safety committee will include Ray Miao, Carl Nataliza, Matt Palmer and Eric Decker. Matt Palmer revealed that at least eight fire incidents have occurred on China Hat just this year. Carl and Matt will form the base of the China Hat Action Committee and will reach out and attempt to coordinate/ join up with our neighboring Sunset View Estates community.
Matt Palmer suggested reaching out to the Fire Department to verify water levels, fire hydrant operations/locations/access. He stated that some insurance companies are denying insurance partly out of confusion/ignorance with the measures in force in our
neighborhood vs our proximity to China Hat and their fire incidences. Ray Suggested contacting Gary Marshall, Director RFPD2, to elicit their help.

8. The group was informed that an upcoming county commissioners hearing will discuss allowing RVs as rentals. There was concern about how this would impact WoodsideRanch and whether this may also open the community to VRBOs. It was suggested that someone representing the HOA be in attendance.

9. Arnold Canal piping is a concern among the affected residents. One Resident, Rhonda Coleman, appears to be spearheading this factions concerns with the county.

10. Continued discussion about the benefits of collaborating with adjacent neighborhood associations on issues of mutual interest.

11. Dues notices and the collection rate was discussed. Eric estimated that about 50% of the homeowners comply. Carl will review and coordinate with the newsletter people to get out current topics and dues reminders to the community. Carl to update website.

Minutes recorded by Mark Marshall, Secretary
October 12, 2023

Minutes of the Board Meeting 8/22/2019

The board meeting was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh on Thursday, August 22, called to order at 11:20 a.m.

In attendance were board members Ray Miao, Lavonne Broadbent and Carl Natalizia. Pat McCabe was out of town. Also in attendance were Fire Education Committee members, Helen Webre and Chris Miao, as well as newly appointed Welcome Committee chairperson, Michelle McNabb.

The first order of business was a Project Wildfire update by Ray Miao. The County was seeking comments on the structure and goals for Project Wildfire. Ray reported that the Rural Fire Protection District #2 Board of Directors unanimously agreed that the present structure should be continued. Ray is submitting an application for the new Deschutes County Wildfire Mitigation Advisory Committee to develop new building code standards and land use regulations on increasing wildfire safety and mitigating wildfire hazards.

Next Chris and Helen made a presentation with results of the WRHA fire education survey taken during this year’s annual meeting, held in April. They made a request to publish a Woodside e-newsletter focused on fire issues. The motion to do the newsletter was made by Carl Natalizia, seconded by Brian Firebaugh and approved unanimously by the board.

The Fire Education Committee will provide the content for the e-newsletter; Brian, Lavonne and Michelle will build and update the mailing list; and Brian will format and send the newsletter.

The next order of business was a discussion of the house fire on Coventry Circle, causes, lessons and next steps. Of primary concerns were the lack of accurate and timely information on the state of the fire, communication amongst neighbors and whether and how to evacuate. Carl will work to develop a neighborhood communication program beginning with Coventry Circle. The steps could include text list, email list, street captains, Pulse Point education, Sheriff’s department of Emergency Services.

The board agreed that the promotion of email mailing lists for Woodside Ranch homeowners regarding fire notifications and other items would be beneficial going forward to foster communication in the subdivision. Also discussed was using the Next Door social networking site as a vehicle to disseminate information and enhance communication. Brian and Lavonne agreed to update homeowner information and request up to date contact information from residents in order to ensure that the maximum number of Woodside Ranch residents would be able to receive email newsletters, fire awareness, and other notifications. It was also agreed that we attempt to have a survivor from the Paradise fire speak to the homeowners in late September or October. Helen will check with the speaker and Chris will determine availability of the County meeting room.

Ray noted progress in talks with waste management possibly providing yard debris receptacles and with a new lead on a contractor for a Spring Cleanup campaign.

Regarding the Elbow development, the response from the planning department with respect to Woodside Ranch comments and, it was noted, due to one homeowners request for a frontage road to alleviate traffic, the planning commission responded and agreed to expand the study. The importance of resident feedback and comment is vital to protect the interests of the community. The next meeting will be September 26th and information can be found at: (https://www.bendoregon.gov/government/departments/growth-management/land-use-planning/southeast-area-plan)
Carl Natalizia agreed to post this information on NextDoor.com

Ray Miao also discussed the approximately 790 home development on Country Club and the need to inform the community. This would add to the traffic problems in our area especially on Knott and Murphy Rds as well as Country Club.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.

Submitted by WRHA Secretary, Carl Natalizia

Minutes of the Board Meeting 5/7/2019

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Carl Natalizia, Lavonne Broadbent. Ray Miao was on vacation. Homeowners in attendance were Ronye Patokowski and Jim Powell.

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 pm by Brian Firebaugh.

Items on the agenda were the county’s plan to pipe the Arnold canal that borders WR, the Summer Social, SB-88 impacts on rentals, and election of board officers.

Ronye opened with updates on the piping of Arnold canal. She presented her research findings and recapped information from official county meetings on the matter. Homeowner Jim Pease is spearheading a local effort to resist the plan, which is receiving support from concerned residents.

Jim Powell gave an historic overview of water issues in central Oregon and the reasoning behind the necessity for conserving water by piping irrigation canals. Dr. Powell has been involved in these matters for many years and has served on the Bend Planning Commission for a long time. His knowledge is encyclopedic and his presentation very compelling. The health of the Deschutes River going forward is at the heart of this issue and is the most significant factor in the reasoning behind the piping project.

Carl Natalizia has been representing the board in researching and attending meetings on the piping issue. The board voted to reserve taking an official stance until environmental impact studies, among others, clarify how Woodside Ranch and the surrounding areas will be affected by piping the canal. Thanks to both Ronye and Jim for their presentations.

The WR CC&Rs have a restriction on “second dwellings in the nature of guest houses” and who might be eligible to occupy them. The ACC has some leeway on these matters as outlined in the governing documents. However, the Oregon legislature is in the process of changing the law regarding construction of Auxillary Dwelling Units (ADU) in Senate Bill 88 in rural residential zones. The passage of this bill will take precedence over local CC&Rs on ADUs and enforcement will be according to state law going forward.

Discussion turned to the Summer Social. Nobody had stepped forward to host at this time so board member, Carl Natalizia, agreed to host, pending discussions with his wife. A big thanks to Carl and Kathy for hosting the Summer Social. Dates and times to be announced.

Elections for board officers was the final matter on the agenda. Brian nominated Lavonne Broadbent for Treasurer, Pat McCabe seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Brian nominated Pat McCabe for Vice-President, Carl Natalizia seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Brian nominated Carl Natalizia for Secretary, Lavonne Broadbent seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Carl nominated Brian Firebaugh for President, Pat McCabe seconded and the vote was unanimous.

The quarterly Newsletter will be published when the Summer Social plans are finalized. Board members and/or homeowners are invited to submit articles for inclusion and it should be published in June.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 7/31/2018

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Ray Miao. Members present were Pat McCabe and Brian Firebaugh.  Mike and Lavonne Broadbent were unavailable. 

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Brian Firebaugh.  Items on the agenda were the recent commercial activity issue, the Summer Social, FireFree options, Newsletter articles and financial planning. 

Ray opened with updates on the possibility of Cascade Disposal adding a yard debris trashcan for regular pickup but there were no plans currently for such an option. 

Various ideas about how to revive the Spring Cleanup event were discussed.  The WRHA is a nonprofit corporation with a limited amount of working capital.  We must insure that costs will not exceed our budget and this is proving challenging.  There was some talk of a 3-year cycle which would give us the intervening years to accumulate the funding. 

Pat reported on the commercial enterprise in Woodside Ranch and how the county quickly responded.  There were numerous complaints reported to the WRHA and an emergency board meeting was called to plan our next move.  It was decided to send a registered letter to the homeowner, who rented out the house and lived elsewhere, demanding that he cease and desist.  This letter was refused by the homeowner and the county was notified of the commercial activity in a RR10 residential zone.  The county was very prompt in evaluating the situation on-site as a commercial enterprise and moved quickly to contact the homeowner.  This resulted in the shutdown of the commercial activity. 

Discussion turned to the Summer Social.  At this late date in the summer, we still had no offers to host so Brian agreed to contact past hosts, PJ and Paul Johnson, to see if they could do it again on short notice.  Updates to follow. 

The quarterly Newsletter will be published when the Summer Social plans are finalized.  Board members will submit articles for inclusion and it should be published shortly. 

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm. 

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh

Minutes of the Board Meeting 3/30/2018

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Ray Miao,, and Mike and Lavonne Broadbent.

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm by Brian Firebaugh.

Items on the agenda were the upcoming annual meeting, commercial activity complaint, winter warmer, and financial update.

The annual meeting has scheduled two excellent speakers. Mike Condon, Project Manager Bend-La Pine School District, will talk about the proposed new Middle and High Schools at Knott Rd and 15th. Also, Ian Isaacson, Project Manager Bend Parks & Rec will speak about the new Alpenglow Community Park just north of the new schools on 15th. Thanks to Ray Miao for securing these dynamic speakers. Three board terms are expiring this year. So far, no prospective candidates has announced their intention to seek office. Big thanks to Pat McCabe and Lavonne Broadbent, as usual, for organizing these things.

Treasurer, Lavonne Broadbent, updated our financial status. Current balance is 9,742.09.

There was no Winter Warmer social event this year for lack of a host homeowner. The upcoming Summer Social was discussed. Details will be published in the next Newsletter.

The board gathered information regarding possible commercial activity in WR. Various reports of same were discussed and a plan of action was formulated. Woodside Ranch is zoned RR10, which is residential, not commercial. This property was determined to be rented from homeowner, James B. Taylor. It was agreed that Mr. Taylor be notified of this issue by registered mail and asked to reply.

Depending on how successful we are dealing directly with Mr. Taylor, we may have to resort to the county for relief. The board reviewed documents regarding various legal points, primarily Deschutes County Zoning Ordinance, Section 18.116.280 and feel it supports our claim. The county inspectors will investigate and make a decision.

The last option is to enforce Article II Section 8 of the CC&Rs by legal means. This is a last resort and will be considered if and when it should become necessary.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 11/14/2017

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh.  In attendance were Lavonne and Mike Broadbent, Pat McCabe, Ray Miao and Brian Firebaugh.  The meeting was called to order at 3:07 pm. 

Treasurer, Lavonne Broadbent, updated the current financial situation, which was basically unchanged since the last meeting, remaining around the $6k level.  There have been no expenses of note since that time due to cancellation of this year's Spring Cleanup event.

Lavonne also noted that the WRHA liability insurance was transferred to a local entity.  This not only supports local businesses but also allows for a more personal interaction with our insurance agent.  

Ray Miao has been in negotiations with several contractors in an attempt to revive the fuel reduction effort for 2018 but the cost remained outside budget restraints with no relief in sight.  Unfortunately, unless things change, we will not be able to organize a Spring Cleanup event next year.  Ray will continue to monitor opportunities for making the fuel reduction event happen in the future.  However, as residents in an area with an Extreme fire danger designation, we want to encourage everyone to continue their individual fuel reduction efforts as a safeguard against wildfire and to stay in compliance with SB360 mandates.  Property inspections to ensure such compliance are available free of charge from local Certified Assessors.  Contact the Board for more information or to schedule an appointment. 

Ideas for the upcoming quarterly newsletter, the Woodside Review, were discussed.  Since this is the year-ending Winter edition, an annual dues form will be included, along with updates, a new WRHA mailing address, Firewise info, and more. 

Discussion moved to CC&R issues.  A trailer parked in the driveway in front of a residence appeared to be set to over-winter in place with a possible resident, both of which are clear violations of the WRHA governing documents.  An email was sent to the owners regarding this issue.  We will monitor the response and proceed accordingly. 

Meeting was adjourned at 4:37 pm. 

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh

Minutes of the Board Meeting 7/14/2017

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh.  In attendance were Lavonne and Mike Broadbent, Pat McCabe, Ray Miao and Brian Firebaugh.  The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm.

The first order of business was a financial update by Treasurer, Lavonne Broadbent. The current balance was almost $6500, which is higher than normal for this time of the year due to no Spring Cleanup this year.

Ray Miao updated us on Firefree fuel reduction projects, as well as Woodside Ranch’s Firewise Community status and continued efforts concerning wildfire education. Ray is negotiating with a new contractor to try to resurrect the Spring Cleanup for 2018. We are all agreed that in light of the many issues we experienced with last year's event we would have to raise the participation fee going forward. Also, a contract that protects the WRHA community's interests will have to be drafted. There is a general feeling that $150 per property might be sufficient to cover our costs but the final figure will depend on the results of Ray's findings with the new prospect. We are looking for a project price instead of hourly, which is open ended and invites overruns. The latest estimate is $2k per day with an eight day maximum and will not depend on the Knott Landfill free days in May. Under these conditions, we should easily be able to organize an event for 2018. Updates to follow.

The Summer Social will be held on August 12 at the home of Susan and Don Lazzarini. The Broadbents will be out of town and Brian is tied up with a pickleball tournament for four days so they won't be able to attend the gathering but will be available earlier in the week to help set up. Ray Miao and Pat McCabe will be attending and representing the WRHA. Thanks to the Lazzarinis for hosting and also to PJ and Paul Johnson for offering their home as backup.

Publication of the WRHA Summer Newsletter is fast approaching and suggestions for content were solicited. The ideas put forward included a speed limit reminder, an admonition to not feed the wildlife, and a notice regarding off-leash dogs in WR. The main article was the upcoming Summer Social.

Finally, matters related to the Urban Growth Boundary, the proposed High School on Country Club Rd, the housing plans in “the thumb” and adjacent areas were agreed to be monitored as to their impact on our community. We will continue to watch developments with interest.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 4/3/2017

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Mike and Lavonne Broadbent. Members present were Pat McCabe, Ray Miao, Brian Firebaugh, and Mike and Lavonne Broadbent.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Brian Firebaugh.

The first order of business was a financial update by Treasurer, Lavonne Broadbent. In the first three months, membership dues are significantly behind last year’s totals. Lavonne will check the post office box today for any late checks.

Ray Miao updated us on Firefree fuel reduction projects, as well as Woodside Ranch’s Firewise Community status and continued efforts concerning wildfire education. Assessment data for every home in WR was presented garnered in a Firewise pilot project. Fire officials from several agencies did a walk-through over several days and rated each home as to observable fire safety. Discussion centered around notifying homeowners with lower scores so that they can attend to those matters.

Pat said she would provide data at the Annual Meeting regarding our efforts with the PUC regarding Roats Water Systems’ water rate hike settlement. Pat and WRHA member, Jim Pease, have been leading this effort on behalf of WR, spending countless hours in correspondence, attending meetings and phone conferences, requesting information and other clarifications, collecting petition signatures, and a myriad of other time-consuming tasks, all as volunteers. Their work cannot be underestimated and is very much appreciated.

The Summer Social is slated for sometime in August at the home of Susan and Don Lazzarini. Details will be published as they are finalized during the Summer.

The Winter Warmer Social event was noted to be a great success. Thanks to Lavonne and Mike Broadbent for hosting on short notice.

Discussion turned to cancellation of the Spring Cleanup fire fuel reduction effort. Rising costs have made it impossible for the WRHA to continue to organize the event without a substantial increase in participation fees. A straw poll in Neighborhood Network did not indicate enough interest at the new cost to manage an event for 2017. Efforts will concentrate on wildfire education this year to instill a sense of urgency in homeowners regarding the real dangers of wildfire in WR. The fate of the Spring Cleanup is unknown at this time.

Two events are slated by Project Wildfire, one on April 22 and the other on May 10, tailored to wildfire in WR. Another email blast was agreed, as well as the distribution of flyers prior to the first meeting.

The Annual Meeting is scheduled on April 19. The Agenda was discussed and presenters were confirmed. Other business include two Board terms expiring, financial reports, and committee reports.

The 4 Peaks Music Festival, June 15-18 at at nearby Stevenson Ranch, will bear close attention as to how it affects traffic, safety and property owners in WR.

Finally, matters related to the Urban Growth Boundary, the proposed High School on Country Club Rd, the housing plans in “the thumb” and adjacent areas were agreed to be monitored as to their impact on our community.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 10/4/2016

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Ray Miao and Brian Firebaugh. Mike and Lavonne Broadbent were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 1:20 pm by Brian Firebaugh.

The first order of business was the upcoming edition of the Fall Newsletter. Ray agreed to submit updates on Firefree fuel reduction projects, as well as Woodside Ranch’s Firewise Community status and continued efforts concerning wildfire education. Pat said she would provide data regarding our efforts with the PUC to oppose Roats Water Systems’ proposed water rate hike. Pat and WRHA member, Jim Pease, have been leading this effort on behalf of WR, spending countless hours in correspondence, attending meetings and phone conferences, requesting information and other clarifications, collecting petition signatures, and a myriad of other time-consuming tasks, all as volunteers. Their work cannot be underestimated and is very much appreciated.

Brian reported that he sent two written requests sent to Tom Fay, Manager of Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2, regarding their policy on using the Roats Water System's infrastructure and/or water storage facility in the event of a fire. Updates to follow.

It was also noted that the two new fire hydrants in WR, as a result of Avion’s water project in our community earlier this year, will deliver emergency assistance in the event of a fire. Bend Fire and DCRFPD#2 have been notified of these new assets.

The Winter Warmer Social event has yet to be finalized. The Board is in the process of confirming offers to host the event and scheduling the date, usually within the first 60 days of the new year. Updates will follow as available.

Discussion turned to what has become an annual event, the Spring Cleanup fire fuel reduction effort. Woodside Ranch managed 5,408 cubic yards of debris in this year’s event, by far the largest amount of debris we've had so far. Like everything else, the cost of this project increases every year and the Fire Committee is always looking for ways to continue to make this vital project affordable for the WRHA and the WR community. This year we had to rely on grant funding, a $3500 grant from Deschutes County Rural Protection District #2 and $500 from the 2016 National Fire Protection Association's Wildfire Community Preparedness Day project. Without this financial assistance, we would have gone into the red by several thousand dollars, which is obviously fiscally unsustainable. Fire fuel reduction is the number one priority of the WRHA and we are looking at new possibilities that will allow us to continue our efforts, including increasing the cost of participation in the Spring Cleanup event and/or increasing WRHA annual dues. The cost of protecting our neighborhood from the ravages of wildfire is minimal, considering the alternative. Ray will be crunching numbers and negotiating with contractors to ascertain what the projected costs will be for 2017 and working on a plan to make it financially feasable.

Ray also followed up on his proposal to establish a Fire Education Committee to work toward educating homeowners on how to maximize fire safety practices, including landscaping with fire resistant plants and shrubs. Thanks to Chris Miao for working to make this a reality. Plans to offer a series of presentations, including emergency evacuation protocols, are some of the benefits. Updates to follow.

Ray also reports that representatives of local fire agencies have physically evaluated every property in the subdivision this summer as to wildfire safety and have issued WR a maximum 4 star rating for its collected efforts in fuel reduction. Ray is awaiting the final report so that we might be able to pinpoint areas where we still need improvement.

Also discussed was alternative ways to notify WR homeowners specifically on important time-sensitive issues other than an item on the WRHA website and direct mass emailing. Brian will investigate the possibility of pushing content via social media.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 5/18/2016

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Mike Broadbent, Lavonne Broadbent, Pat McCabe and Ray Miao.  The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Brian Firebaugh. 

The first order of business was the election of officers for the new WRHA Board.  Brian nominated Lavonne Broadbent for Treasurer, which was seconded by Pat McCabe and approved unanimously.  Brian nominated Mike Broadbent for Secretary, which was seconded by Ray Miao and approved unanimously. Brian nominated Pat McCage for Vice President, which was seconded by Mike Broadbent and approved unanimously.  Pat McCabe nominated Brian Firebaugh for President, seconded by Ray Miao and approved unanimously.  Ray Miao is Member-at-Large. 

Brian updated the Board on a written request sent to Tom Fay, Manager of Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2, regarding their policy on the use of the private Roats Water System's infrastructure and/or water storage facility in the event of a fire.  It is noted that DCRFPD#2 brings their own water tenders when responding to fire events in Woodside Ranch and clarification on this issue is requested.  Ray Miao suggested sending the same request to Bend Fire Dept. and Brian will be following up on this suggestion. 

Discussion followed regarding opposition to the proposed water rate hike from Roats Water Systems.  Pat McCabe has been representing the WRHA and presented before the Public Utilities commission hearings on May 5.  The WRHA, along with homeowners Dr. Jim Powell and Jim Pease, were officially designated as interveners in this matter by the PUC.  Thanks to these three civic-minded neighbors for all their hard work on our behalf.  Residents of WR will be notified of important dates as they approach.  Pat McCabe will hold a final petition signature drive on May 27. 

It was noted that Avion Water has responded to a homeowner regarding their plans to complete the paving in WR following the installation of a 24" water main from their China Hat storage tanks, through Woodside Ranch, to Knott Rd.  The response suggested four weeks from today. 

The Summer Newsletter is scheduled to be published on July 1.  Submissions by Board members were solicited and will be included in that publication.  The main story is the upcoming Summer Social BBQ, which will be hosted by PJ and Paul Johnson on  August 6. 

Fire Committee chair, Ray Miao, reported on the issues associated with the recently completed Spring Cleanup fire fuel reduction event.  Ray reports that 5,408 cubic yards of debris were transported to the Knott Landfill to coincide with their Free Event from May 7 to 15.  This is by far the largest amount of debris we've had so far.  There were problems with our original contractor and a second contractor was called in to help us meet our deadlines, which we managed to do.  There is still some clean up to be done but the event can be considered a big success.  New strategies will be considered going forward to help avoid unforseen issues. 

Ray also proposed the establishment of a committee to work toward educating homeowners on how to maximize fire safety practices, including landscaping with fire resistant plants and shrubs. 

The Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm. 

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh on behalf of Secretary, Mike Broadbent.

  Minutes of the Annual Meeting 2016

These minutes of the Annual Meeting are pending approval at next year's Annual Meeting.

 Minutes of the Board Meeting 9/29/2015

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Board President Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Mike Broadbent and Lavonne Broadbent. Linda Dixon and Pat McCabe were unavailable.

The meeting was called to order at 12:05 by Brian Firebaugh. It is noted that 3 members of the Board constitute a quorum.

The first order of business was a report by Treasurer, Lavonne Broadbent, on the WRHA finances. These figures are available to any WRHA member who requests them. Lavonne also was preparing to pay the insurance policy premium for the WRHA Board.

Brian updated the Board on a meeting held with homeowners Dr. Rich Rotondi and Dr. Bill Burton, who informed him of their findings regarding a proposal they made to Casey Roats concerning a meeting with the WRHA and ACC and interested homeowners in the near future. Also they had information regarding the Avion Water plans to run a 24” water main from their China Hat storage tanks, through Woodside Ranch and connecting to existing pipes on Knott Rd.

They also presented a petition with some 40 signatures from homeowners in WR expressing interest in asking the Board to set up a meeting with Roats Water Utility to discuss, 1) a backup generator for water delivery, 2) assurance from Roats that water pumped and stored in Woodside Ranch will not be used elsewhere, and 3) monitoring of Avion Water Utility's future construction through Woodside Ranch.

1) The request for a backup generator was acknowledged as a good measure to prevent loss of water delivery during power outages and was approved.

2) In response to an official request from the WRHA to Roats' legal representative, Neil Bryant, to confirm statements he made at the 2012 WRHA Annual Meeting regarding water storage in WR, the following exchange is on record:

Question from WRHA: “The statement attributed to you was that the water to be stored in the proposed water tank would be for the exclusive use of Woodside Ranch residents only.”

Answer from Mr. Bryant: “I have confirmed with Casey Roats that the new reservoir is for Woodside. The only exception is in the event of an emergency.”

3) Responses from various County agencies involved with the Avion construction indicate that they will help monitor the project.

Also discussed at this meeting with homeowners was the content of a phone conversation Dr. Rotondi had with Casey Roats on the possibility of a meeting to address our concerns. Mr. Roats insisted on submission of all questions in writing beforehand. Drs. Rotondi and Burton agreed with Brian Firebaugh that the purpose of such a meeting should result in a legally binding document, signed by either Casey Roats or his legal representative, guaranteeing that no water pumped and stored in Woodside Ranch would be used to supply communities elsewhere. This would amount to having such a document drawn up by an attorney and presented to Mr. Roats for signature. Brian agreed to make such a motion at the next (this) Board meeting.

After updating the Board on all of the above, a motion was made by Brian to direct our attorney to prepare such a document and allocate funds for that purpose. However, the motion was not seconded.

The Board was unanimously in support of opposing any plans by Roats of transporting Woodside Ranch water to outside communities. However, lacking any tangible evidence or other proof that this is, in fact, Roats' intention in the future, the Board and Woodside Ranch community liason regarding Roats Water Utility, Dr. Jim Powell, agree that until such evidence or proof comes to light, there is no legally binding avenue by which we might prevent such a possibility from happening at this time. An invitation will be sent to Casey Roats to dialog on these matters.

That being said, Secretary Mike Broadbent proposed that the Board consider earmarking a sum of up to $1,000 to reimburse any homeowner or group of homeowners who are successful in a legal effort to secure an agreement with Roats Water Utility, binding in a court of law, stating that Roats will not sell Woodside Ranch water elsewhere. This motion was seconded by Lavonne and the vote was unanimous in favor.

The Quarterly Newsletter is due to be published early in October no further items were deemed to be necessarily included other than what is already in the first draft.

Finally, it was noted that the annual Winter Warmer social gathering, normally held early in the year after the holidays, has not yet found a host site. Interested homeowners should contact the Board.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh

Minutes of the Board Meeting 6/24/2015

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Board President Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Mike Broadbent, Lavonne Broadbent and Brian Firebaugh. Linda Dixon was unavailable.

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by Brian Firebaugh.

The first order of business was a presentation by homeowners Dr. Rich Rotondi and Dr. Bill Burton updating their findings regarding Roats proposed plan to construct a water tank in WR. The Board invited them to submit documents summarizing their findings for publication on the WRHA website as a public service to our community. When these documents are published, there will be a notice on the website's News Page with a link to the documents. Due to the possible community-wide impact of this issue, the Board agreed to also mail a hard copy of these findings to each homeowner.

Board member Linda Dixon travels often is has a busy schedule and therefore has offered to resign from the Board before her term is up in April of 2016 if another candidate with more availability should want to replace her. However, the Board feels this is not necessary at this point, not to mention the fact that no candidates have expressed an interest in replacing her. This is a voluntary position and everyone who has donated their time in support of the WRHA is well appreciated.

Planning for the August 1 Summer Social at Pat McCabe's house was also discussed. Pat has done this many times so we are in good hands.The Quarterly Newsletter is due to be published early in July and items thought worthy of inclusion were the Roats matter, the new speed limit signs, keeping goats in WR, the Summer Social and more.

The cost of the 2015 Spring Cleanup event was $21,560.00. This figure is $2508.00 higher than last year and the possibility of having to raise participation fees to meet these increasing costs will have to be considered if we are to continue with this fuel reduction effort in the future.

Deschutes Rural Fire Protection District #2 has sent the Association $3,500.00 in grant funds for this year's event. This source of funding is critical in helping us offset the costs involved and we are deeply indebted to Manager Tom Fay for this generous gift.

WR has been granted the distinction of being recognized as an official Firewise Community. A presentation will be made by ODF at the Summer Social.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh

Minutes of the Board Meeting 2/4/2015

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of Board President Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Mike Broadbent, Patty Christopher and Brian Firebaugh. Linda Dixon was traveling.

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 by Brian Firebaugh.

The first order of business was a financial update by Treasurer, Patty Christopher. Annual dues for the first 30 days of the month have been received from some 70 homeowners. It was agreed unanimously that the first of two monthly reminder letters should be sent to those who have not yet responded. This practice is standard operating procedure and has proved efficacious in the past. Also approved was funding the WRHA website for another year. The Treasurer's Report was approved.

The WRHA Annual Meeting is planned for April at Nativity Lutheran Church. Brian agreed to contact the church and negotiate an acceptable date for the meeting. The website will feature updated information as it is finalized, as will the upcoming Spring Newsletter. Two Board seats are expiring this year and we encourage anyone interested in serving a two year term on the WRHA Board to contact us through the website (www.woodsideranch.net).

As the minutes of the Board meeting of September 25, 2014 reflect, the Board approved a proposal to move forward with an evaluation of tree health in WR. WRHA Secretary Linda Dixon arranged to have Simply Arbor Tree Care tour the neighborhood and submit a report of their findings regarding observed tree health.  The results of this preliminary inspection enumerated a number of dead and dying trees that were in need of removal for various reasons. An overall plan and the cost associated with it have not yet been discussed.  Ray Miao of the WRHA Fire Committee arranged to get a second opinion regarding this report from Nicole Strong, OSU Forester, who, along with Chris and Ray Miao and Brian Firebaugh, toured WR on November 11.  The verbal evaluation from Nicole was generally positive with no real signs of Pine Beetle infestation. The main thrust of her observations was the need for general thinning of the Ponderosa forest to decrease the stress to trees of overcrowding and removal of trees already dead.  Various options were discussed and Ray is following up on these ideas. The organization of such a project would mean that any plan approved would not be able to be implemented until next winter.

The WRHA was dismissed as a defendant regarding a foreclosure in WR after it was established that the Association was not legally linked to homeowner mortgage obligations.  There were no WRHA legal fees associated with this action.

The Winter Warmer is scheduled for March 14. Details are included in the Winter Newsletter and on our website by following the Newsletter link.

Pat McCabe has generously offered to again host the Summer Social BBQ this summer.

The Board was contacted in late January regarding Avion Water Company's seeking permission from affected landowners to lay a water pipe from China Hat Rd. to Tekampe Rd. through WR. This matter was referred to the ACC's Dr. Jim Powell for further investigation.

There have been complaints of dog owners not picking up after their pets while walking through WR. This is a rather sad commentary on pet owner responsibility and community pride but, for the record, if you are a dog owner, please clean up the mess your dog makes in any public place.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh

Minutes of the Board Meeting 9/25/2014

The meeting of the Board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of board President Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Linda Dixon, Patty Christopher and Brian Firebaugh. Mike Broadbent was on his honeymoon.

Meeting was called to order at 12:05 by Brian Firebaugh.

The first order of business was the election of officers for the upcoming term. Members are encouraged to consider anyone they might know who would be interested in serving a two year term on the Board. Elections are not until April, 2015, but its never too early to think about participating in the administration of the WRHA.

Patty Christopher gave a report on the state of the treasury. The submitted spreadsheet was balanced and in accordance with official bank statements. Both Patty and Brian are working together to keep the books straight and balanced.

Annual dues of $50 are due on January 1, 2015. The final newsletter of the year will feature an article on this matter and notices will be sent out to homeowners. Please remember that annual dues are the HOA's sole source of income for the year and your support is critical.  170 homeowners paid dues in 2014.

Patty Christopher collected Board signatures on a bank form that authorizes her as the new WRHA Treasurer and gives her access to our financial records and checkbook.  The annual insurance policy for the WRHA Board is now due and payable. Brian made a motion to allocate funds for payment, which was seconded by Pat McCabe and passed unanimously by the Board.

The Autumn Newsletter was discussed and suggestions were heard as to the contents. Particular emphasis is on the timetable for yard debris to begin appearing curbside for the 2015 Spring Cleanup event, which is not to be before March 1, 2015. It was agreed to publish as close to October 1, 2014 as possible. The next newsletter will be the winter edition and publication date is targeted to be January 1, 2015.

Pat McCabe was thanked again for hosting the Summer Social BBQ again this year. It was suggested that for future social events an RSVP response be encouraged from attendees to help in the planning of food and party items needed.  Pam Bronson has graciously offered to host the upcoming Winter Warmer on March 7, 2015. More info as the date nears. Mark your calendars!

Patty Christopher has been busy as Welcoming Committee chairperson. Various neighbors help keep us informed of deed transactions and she tries to visit each new homeowner as soon as they move in. If you know of a new resident who has not been officially welcomed, please contact us through the website.

It has been an ongoing project to install neighborhood signs identifying the Woodside Ranch at various entrances to the subdivision. The latest plan is to investigate the possibility of installing two new signs similar to the one on the corner of Pine Vista and Woodside Road. This project will entail permission of homeowners to comply with county ordinances, the cost of the signs and county permits. Patty Christopher has volunteered to look into these issues and report back to the Board.

The Board discussed residential issues concerning Roats' plan to construct an above ground water tank at the upper well site. It was decided to add a link on the WRHA website featuring homeowner input in this matter. Roats Water Utility will also be asked to consider reroofing existing shake roofs on both well sites and participate in our fuel reduction efforts.

There is concern diseased and/or dying trees in Woodside Ranch. The Board decided to consult with Simply Arbor Trees for an estimate for an assessment of trees in WR. The Board, along with the Fire Committee and Noxious Weeds Committee, will evaluate the estimate before proceeding. Linda Dixon will contact the arborist and report to the Board.

Brian mentioned that the WRHA was served with a summons regarding a foreclosed property in WR. He has sent a letter of explanation to the attorney for the plaintiff and is authorized to discuss the matter with our own legal counsel.

Pat McCabe discussed speaking with neighbor Julia Salmond who has expressed interest in establishing a small community library where neighbors can share pre-read books. Pat will report the results of this meeting to the Board. An article regarding this matter may appear in the January newsletter.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Dixon, WRHA secretary.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 6/6/14

The meeting of the board of the Woodside Ranch Homeowners Association was held at the home of board president Brian Firebaugh. Members present were Pat McCabe, Linda Dixon, Patty Christopher, Mike Broadbent and Brian Firebaugh.

Meeting was called to order at noon by Brian. First order of business was the election of officers for the current year. Pat McCabe mentioned that she has had difficulty carrying out the duties of treasurer due to health reasons, and indicated that she would rather not do it again this year. Brian queried the board as to who might consider taking over the treasurer position and Patty Christopher volunteered. It was moved and seconded that Patty become the new treasurer and the board voted in favor. Mike asked to be relieved of secretarial duties and Linda Dixon was elected to that post. Brian agreed to serve again as president and was elected. Pat McCabe was elected to serve as vice president.

Brian provided the board with the results of the recently completed spring cleanup. Cost this year was just over $19,000, with about $6250 paid from participants, $3500 from the Deschutes Rural Fire Protection #2, and the rest from association dues. The only problems encountered were with one person piling up construction debris for pickup and another that encroached on the roadway with his debris pile. The cleanup was the biggest yet with 125 people participating.

In other discussions, Brian shared that Woodside Ranch was close to qualifying as a Firewise Community, and that it will probably happen soon. The importance of homeowners identifying and eliminating noxious weeds was brought up again. Also discussed was the awareness of potential pine beetle infestations and what to do about them. Brian mentioned the possibility of hiring an expert to survey the development for indications of the beetle and said he would contact a person in that field to discuss the feasibility of that approach. All agreed that an outbreak of the pine beetle would be devastating for our community and that we should be proactive in preventing it.

Brian talked about the enforcement of CC&R's and architectural guidelines and the extent to which we can or will carry out such enforcement in the event of violations or disputes with homeowners. The board agreed that it is best to tread lightly in such cases to avoid being seen as rigid and unreasonable, and that it is generally better to emphasize compromise over confrontation.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Mike Broadbent, WRHA secretary.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 2/17/14

Meeting was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh, WRHA president. Present were board members Brian Firebaugh, Patty Christopher and Cathy Payne.  Pat McCabe was out of town and Mike Broadbent was absent.  Also present was ACC member, Danielle Sullivan and prospective Board member, Linda Dixon.

The first order of business was a follow-up on a joint meeting of the ACC and the Board earlier in the month.  The ACC was seeking clarification of their legal position in regard to procedural protocol when acting as an official agent on behalf of the WRHA regarding new homeowner construction projects.  It was agreed at the earlier meeting to obtain legal guidance on possible options based on a sample case with its attendant paperwork, homeowner meetings, neighbor interviews, applicable county statute and WRHA governing documents.  To that end, a legal corporation was contacted and, after discussion, a motion by Brian to retain legal counsel, seconded by Patty, was unanimously approved.  We expect this entire matter to be concluded within 30 days.  

The ACC also submitted a revised version of the ACC Guidelines for Board consideration.  A motion to accept the revised document was made by Brian, seconded by Patty, and unanimously passed.  The revised Guidelines will replace the existing version and will become effective 2/18/2014.  Follow the link in the right hand pane to view revised document.  

The current WRHA financial spreadsheet was shown to be in agreement with the latest bank statement. 

The Spring Cleanup is currently being organized.  Sisters Forest Products has again been chosen as our contractor and they will begin work on May 1, to coincide with the Knott Landfill FireFree event.  Fire Committee member, Ray Miao, is heading up an effort to secure grant(s) on behalf of the WRHA to help ease the financial burden of the project.  A fee of $50 per member household ($100 for non-members) will remain the same as last year, even though our costs have risen moderately. 

It has long been a goal of the WRHA to qualify Woodside Ranch as a FireWise Community.  The process involves maintaining a minimum level of fire fuels within the community, as reflected in the Spring Cleanup effort, and also touring WR with ODF official Stu Otto in order to identify specific issues and possible solutions.  Ray Miao has informed us that grant money gives added weight to FireWise Communities and we are working to achieve this status in the near term.  Thanks to Ray for helping us realize this goal.  

The Summer Social is slated to be held again this year at the home of Pat McCabe.  Details will be forthcoming in the next Newsletter but traditionally the event is held in August.   Pam Bronson also generously offered to host and we thank them both for their community support.  

The Annual Meeting will be held again this year at Nativity Lutheran Church, beginning at 6:00 pm.  The Board unanimously approved the expenditures associated with this event.  Three seats on the Board will be up for election as part of the agenda.  Linda Dixon has graciously offered to stand for election and all WRHA members are invited to consider joining us for a two year term.  Contact the Board for further information.  

Publication of the Spring Newsletter has been bumped up two weeks in order to give homeowners extra time to register for the upcoming Spring Cleanup.  Look for registration forms in the mid-March Woodside Review.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Brian Firebaugh, WRHA President   

Minutes of the Board Meeting 9/16/13

Meeting was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh, WRHA president on 9/16/2013. Present were board members Brian Firebaugh, Patty Christopher and Mike Broadbent.  Members Pat McCabe and Cathy Payne were unable to attend.  Also present was WRHA member, Rhonda Coleman.  

As the first order of business, Rhonda made a presentation to the Board on the subject of exterior lighting in WR.  She commented on the negative effects of overtly bright exterior lighting on neighboring properties but also read from a study concerning the effects of nighttime light on the patterns and behaviors of wildlife.  Brian asked is she would consider writing an article for the website summarizing her presentation and she agreed to do so.  

There was discussion on what recourse the Board might have in cases where there were complaints regarding someone's night lighting.  Brian noted that the HOA does not have official recognition in Phases of WR and suggested that the best approach would be to open a dialog with all parties involved, outlining the issue and possible resolutions that would satisfy all parties and the CC&Rs.  

Mike Broadbent reported that the neighborhood signs discussed at the last meeting had been put on hold, but that progress would be made soon.  

Discussion turned to the Winter Warmer and who might host this year's event.  (In a postscript, Rhonda Coleman offered to host this event a few days after this Board meeting).  

Regarding the Newsletter, Brian suggested articles regarding barking dogs, speeding in the subdivision, winter covering of RVs, Spring Cleanup, including a reminder about no debris curbside until 60 days prior to the pickup date.

Brian told the Board that he and fellow Fire Committee member, Ray Miao, had revisited the financials regarding the Spring Cleanup costs and deduced that the cost of participation would not increase from the current $50 for WRHA members ($100 for non-members) that was deemed necessary at the previous Board meeting.  A motion was passed keeping the rates the same.  

The WRHA financial report was approved for the period leading up to this Board meeting.  Patty Christopher agreed to head up the Welcoming Committee and be responsible for printing and delivering Welcome Packets to neighbors new to WR.  Thanks and congratulations to Patty.  

Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Mike Broadbent, WRHA Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 6/26/13

Meeting was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh, WRHA president on 6/26/2013. Present were board members Brian Firebaugh, Cathy Payne, Pat McCabe, Patty Christopher and Mike Broadbent. 

The meeting was called to order at 1:00PM.

Brian showed the newsletter in the new format and asked for comments from the other board members. The format met with everyone's approval and it was decided to use this as a template for future newsletters. It was agreed that the cost of $185 was quite reasonable to print and mail the newsletters and a motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the cost. Mike asked if the publication was to be done quarterly, and Brian answered that generally it was, with possible timing exceptions for special events or notices.

Brian showed the newsletter in the new format and asked for comments from the other board members. The format met with everyone's approval and it was decided to use this as a template for future newsletters. It was agreed that the cost of $185 was quite reasonable to print and mail the newsletters and a motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the cost. Mike asked if the publication was to be done quarterly, and Brian answered that generally it was, with possible timing exceptions for special events or notices.

A bad check was received from a homeowner for annual dues and fire cleanup charges. Brian emailed the homeowners but got no response. The board decided not to pursue payment in light of the fact that the people in question appear to be moving.

Brian brought the board up to date regarding repositioning the main Woodside Ranch entrance sign to a location just south of the canal crossing at the main entrance. He indicated that permits for the placement had been submitted and all preliminary steps taken for approval of the positioning of the sign. Brian suggested, and the board agreed, that WRHA hire a licensed contractor to do the actual installation.

Mike submitted preliminary drawings for entry signs at the other entrances, and said he had been quoted between $600 and $700 per sign. Upon confirming that there would need to be eight of these signs at various entrances, all agreed the quoted prices were too high and Mike said he will go back to the sign company to design simpler, less expensive signs for these entrances. He will contact the County roads department for information regarding sizes and placement requirements.

The treasurer's report was submitted and approved as written. Brian explained the receipt of a $3000 grant from Deschutes Rural Fire Protection District #2 to help with the costs of the annual property cleanup. $6000 was received for this purpose from homeowners participating in the cleanup event. The actual costs from the contractor for doing the cleanup were $14,400 and the remaining funds of $5400 were paid by WRHA. Brian suggested raising the participation cost to $100 per homeowner for next year's event. Motion was made, seconded and passed to charge owners $100 next year. It was proposed that the information about actual costs versus revenue received be published in the newsletter to inform homeowners of the need for the increase. Brian suggested we schedule Sisters Forest Products soon for next year's cleanup. Motion was made, seconded and passed to do so.

There was a discussion about people keeping garbage cans out next to the road on days other than garbage collection days. Brian volunteered to talk to the parties involved. Also mentioned was the need for notices to be sent to property owners with significant amounts of flammable materials on their property. New construction projects were noted and a questions about architectural controls were brought up, noting the varying requirements for WRHA approval in the different phases. Board agreed the ACC should be notified about any new construction observed.

Planning for the summer social at Pat McCabe's home on August 10th was discussed.

Patty suggested the next board meeting be held in late August, and Wednesday the 28th at 1:00 was chosen as the date.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:50.

Respectfully submitted by Mike Broadbent, WRHA Secretary.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 5/13/13

The meeting was held at the home of Brian Firebaugh.  Present were:  Brian Firebaugh, Cathy Payne, Pat McCabe, Patty Christopher and Mike Broadbent.  The meeting was called to order at 1:16 pm.  

The first order of business was the election of Board officers for the upcoming term.  Brian Firebaugh was elected President, Cathy Payne was elected Vice-President, Pat McCabe was elected Treasurer, Mike Broadbent was elected Secretary and Patty Christopher is Member-at-Large.  

There was a discussion regarding the ban on open burning in all of WR.  The recent addition to the Architectural Guidelines describing allowed firepits, as an extension of the excepted 'barbecue fires'in the CC&Rs, was highlighted.  A copy of these Guidelines can be found on the Documentation Page of the WRHA website.  

Mike Broadbent suggested the possibility of posting signs declaring the ban on open burning along with the proposed neighborhood sings.  The Board agreed this was a good idea and Mike will research this idea further.  

The quest for a Firewise Community designation for Woodside Ranch is most of the way through the process.  We hope to get back on track now that the Spring Cleanup is completed.  Our goal is to achieve this distinction at the Summer Social in August.  

The project to install Woodside Ranch neighborhood signs and relocate the large Woodside Ranch sign from the Ranchettes to the corner of Pine Vista and Woodside Road was brought up to date.  Outgoing Board member, Skip Paznokas and Brian Firebaugh met on May 10 with an County Road Dept. official to discuss placement of the various signs.  It was determined that the large sign could not be located in the county right-of-way and therefore was an issue for another county agency, which has sent us an application for a permit.  All work is to be completed this summer, if approved.  

Pat McCabe brought up the question of raising chickens in WR.  The county Community Development has a Rural Living Handbook that covers some of the aspects of husbandry.  The big issues are noise, manure, insects and odors.  The ACC would require an agreement to take care of those issues.  Roosters would not be allowed.  Other issues relate to how many animals are put in a given space as well as the conscientiousness of the owner.  We might concur that four chickens is a reasonable limit for a small coup for family eggs, and we would have to negotiate the enclosure materials based on a submitted request.  

The Woodside Review Newsletter is in need of some revamping.  Issues should appear quarterly and the quality of the publication upgraded.  Several Board members agreed to work together on graphic designs for an improved format.  The next Newsletter is scheduled for July 1.  

The Summer Social has been scheduled for August 10, 2103 at the home of Pat McCabe.  Mark our calendars for this eagerly anticipated community summer event.  More info as the date approaches.  

The Spring Cleanup event was completed on May 13 after seven days of work by the crew.  2,970 cubic yards of debris was collected!  We are very pleased with the work of Sisters Forest Products and we hope to partner with them again for next year's event.  Thanks to all participating homeowners and especially Fire Committee person, Ray Miao, for researching and interviewing contractors.  

It was agreed that, in addition to the newly elected Treasurer, the newly elected President also be authorized to access the WRHA bank account as a safety measure.  

The meeting was adjourned at 2:26 pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Firebaugh, outgoing WRHA Secretary  

Minutes of the Board Meeting 4/10/13

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President, Dick Ross, Treasurer, Brian Firebaugh, Secretary and Member at Large, Pat McCabe

The meeting was called to order at 4:07 pm.

The first order of business was the Treasurer's Report, which was unanimously approved.  The proposed budget for the upcoming year will be available at the Annual Meeting later this month.  Thanks to Treasurer, Dick Ross.  

The Fuel Reduction effort, aka the Spring Cleanup, was the next item on the agenda.  The response from the community has been encouraging with some 80 registrations with still two weeks left to sign up.  Association members are asked for $50 and nonmembers for $100 to help pay for the project.  Work will begin on May 3.  

The next Newsletter has already gone to the printer.  Details on the Spring Cleanup, the upcoming Annual Meeting and various other items of community interest will be included.  Thanks to Skip for putting it all together.  

The County has tentatively scheduled the end of June as the target date to resurface all roads in WR. There was an issue with the asphalt last year and it is thought to be corrected now.  Watch for updates and thanks to Cathy Payne for this information.  

The Board unanimously voted to fund the website for another year.  The long-running plan to move the Woodside Ranch sign from the Ranchettes to WR will be commencing soon.  Also look for Neighborhood signs to appear at all entranced to WR.  Thanks to Skip for his work on this project.  

The Annual Meeting agenda was discussed and a rough draft written.  Ballots are printed, Proxy Forms are available for download from the website and the proposed budget for the coming year is ready.  There are two Board seats available and two declared candidates.  Write-in nominations are still possible at the Meeting.  

Board member, Pat McCabe will again be hosting the Summer Social sometime in August.  

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh, Secretary          

Minutes of the Board Meeting 3/13/13

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President, Dick Ross, Treasurer and Brian Firebaugh, Secretary.  Member at Large, Pat McCabe, was travelling.  

The meeting was called to order at 1:04 pm.  

The first order of business was the Treasurer's report, which was unanimously approved.  Thanks to Treasurer, Dick Ross, for his efforts.  

The FireFree fuel reduction effort, known as the Spring Cleanup, was the next time on the agenda.  There were no Federal or state grants forthcoming this year so, with the expection of a small but generous grant from the Deschutes Rural Fire Protection District #2, the effort must be solely organized by the WRHA.  Bids solicited from four contractors recommended by the Dept. of Forestry were considered and a candidate selected for Board consideration by Fire Committee member, Ray Miao.  The Board unanimously agreed to a financial plan to help meet projected costs, with Association members paying $50 and nonmembers paying $100.  A Special Meeting of the Board is scheduled for later today so Ray can present his finding to the Board.  Final cost projections and registration procedures are expected to result.  

The next Newsletter is scheduled to go to the printers on March 18.  Details and forms for the Spring Cleanup will be included, along with next month's Annual Meeting news and other items of community interest.  Thanks to Skip for putting it all together.  

Patty Christopher has submitted a bio as she delcares her intention to run for a vacant Board seet.  A second candidate has not yet responded to bio requests.  Dick Ross is following up.  

Cathy Payne reported on her contacts with ODF regarding illegal OHV activity south of WR as well as needed repairs to the entrance to Forestlands on Woodside Loop.  

Thanks to Linda and Ron Dixon for their extremely successful hosting of the recent Winter Warmer Social event.  

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh, Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 2/13/13

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President, Dick Ross, Treasurer, Brian Firebaugh, Secretary and Member at Large, Pat McCabe.  

WRHA expenses (PO box, mailings, Oregon HOA registration fee) were approved, as was the most recent bank statement.  Thanks to Treasurer, Dick Ross, for his report.  Firefree efforts, including WRHA Firewise Community designation, organization and funding for the upcoming Spring Cleanup event and violations of the mandatory ban on all open burning in WR.  The Firewise assessment has been received from ODF and planning regarding suggested fuel reduction strategies is under way.  We plan to become a Firewise Community in the short term.  Government grant funding for the Spring Cleanup has yet to be secured.  The Fire Committee is monitoring this situation carefully and the Board is preparing contingency plans in the event that these grant funds fail to materialize, as happened in 2011.  Updates will be forthcoming.  

There have also been reported incidences of illegal open burning in WR.  The mandatory ban is enumerated in the CC&Rs and there are no execptions.  

Reports (and evidence) of illegal OHV activity in Forestland bordering WR is being investigated.  

The next Newsletter is scheduled for mid-March.  Items will include the Spring Cleanup, the Annual Meeting, Firewise news, Committee reports, the FireFree Knott Landfill event on May 3-11, etc.  

Preparations are underway for the uupcoming Winter Warmer social on February 23.  Thanks to Linda and Rox Dixon for hosting!  

There are two Board vacancies this year as these terms expire in April.  Anyone interested in making themselves available for a two year seat on the Board should contact the Board through the website. 

We hope to have the relocation of the Woodside Ranch sign and the installation of Neighborhood signs completed when the weather improves.  

The next Board meeting is scheduled for March 13 at 1:00 at the home of Skip Paznokas.  All residents are welcome. 

The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm.  

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh, Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 12/12/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President,  Brian Firebaugh, Secretary and Member at Large, Pat McCabe.  Also attending was WRHA member, Patty  Christopher.  Treasurer, Dick Ross, was traveling.

The meeting was called to order at 9:14 am.  The agenda and most recent bank statement from the Treasurer were both approved.

The first order of business was an update from Garden Committee member, Linda Paznokas.  She announced that several homes in WR are going to be included in the 2013 OSU Master Gardener Tour.  Details will be forthcoming.

Noxious Weeds Chairman, Rob Evans submitted a paper regarding the growing problem of yard debris accumulation at curbside at a number of addresses in WR.  The Spring Cleanup event is not until May each year and yard debris for pickup should not be at curbside until March at the earliest.  While the WRHA is encouraging participation in the fuel reduction effort each Spring, and can also understand the desire not to move the debris piles twice, there are a number of issues  with curbside accumulation before March, such as County right-of-way, impeding foot traffic and snow plows, fire hazard, and is unsightly.  Please either collect yard debris in an area out of public view until March or haul it to the Knott Landfill.

The grant funding for the annual Spring Cleanup event has not yet been approved.  We are expecting updates in the next week or two.  In the event that the grants do not materialize, the WRHA plans to organize the event in conjunction with homeowners.

Skip updated us on the progress regarding  moving the large Woodside Ranch sign from down in the Ranchettes up to the Pine Vista-Woodside Rd. intersection, along with new WR signs at all street entrances to our neighborhood.  These two projects should be in place this Spring.

The next Newsletter is scheduled for March 1.  Announcements regarding the Winter Warmer in February will be via email and regular mail.

The Board has accepted the ACC offer to act as intermediary regarding Roat's water tank construction plans.

The Board met with ODF's Stu Otto on  December 12 for a drive through evaluation  of WR as a preliminary step toward earning the Firewise Community designation.  Our goal is to acheive this by the April Annual Meeting.

The next Board meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 13.  

The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 am.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Firebaugh, Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 10/17/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President, Dick Ross, Treasurer, Brian Firebaugh, Secretary and Member at Large, Pat McCabe.  Also attending were WRHA members, Dr. Rich Rotondi and Dr. Bill Burton.

 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.

 The meeting opened with a written request by Dr. Rotondi to amend the Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting to include a statement made at that meeting by Roats legal counsel, Neil Bryant, that water from a possible future water tank project in Woodside Ranch would be for the exclusive use of Woodside Ranch residents.  The Board agreed to take steps to verify that this statement was indeed made and then amend the Minutes to reflect same.

 Also, a request from Dr. Rotondi and Dr. Burton for WRHA support in opposition to the construction of an above ground water tank on Roats' upper well site was discussed. As the location of the well site is in Phase 2 of Woodside Ranch, and as a vote on an Amendment to legally designate the WRHA as CC&R administrators in this Phase failed to pass in a 2009 vote, the WRHA has no legal standing in regard to CC&R enforcement in this Phase and therefore lacks authorization to intervene as an HOA on their behalf.

Dick Ross noted that it is the position of the WRHA to support any effort by homeowners in any Phase where the Amendment did not pass in the 2009 vote to reconsider this issue and, if warranted, hold another vote.

It was also noted that a poll conducted by the WRHA prior to this year's Annual Meeting regarding homeowner interest in revisiting the Amendment issue in the four Phases where it did not pass in 2009 resulted in an overall response of 17%, indicating an insufficient level of interest. 

 Dick Ross, submitted the Treasurer's Report for the period dating from the last Board meeting on August 31.  The Report was approved by the Board.

 The WRHA joined FEMA's National Preparedness Coalition to be better informed on disaster response and preparation.  Their website is:  http://community.fema.gov/connect.ti/READYNPM

 The WRHA is on the email list for the Daily Neighborhood Watch Report from the Bend Police Department's new online crime map website.  This feature sends us a daily update regarding crime reports within a five mile radius of WR. 

 Following up on our quest to become designated a Firewise Community, contact has been made with Deputy Fire Marshal, Cindy Kettering, our local Firewise contact person and Stuart Otto, with ODF, who will help guide us through the application process.  An onsite visit is being planned for November.  For more information, see the Firewise website.

 Skip Paznokas has been spearheading an effort to erect street side signs at the entrances to WR identifying our community and similar to the various signs now identifying other neighborhoods throughout the Bend area.  He also got bids for moving the large Woodside Ranch sign from its present location in the Ranchettes to a new location at the Pine Vista, Woodside Road intersection.    The Board unanimously approved the proposed budget and contractor for these projects.  Still left to do is secure permits and land use permission.

As Deschutes County is preparing to open burning season Oct. 20, it was noted that open burning is specifically banned year round in Woodside Ranch's CC&Rs, even with a County permit.

The Board discussed various aspects of the year round ban on open burning in WR as it relates to fire pits.  The CC&Rs except only barbecues but leave that undefined.  In conjunction with the ACC, the WRHA is examining the scope of this Restriction in an effort to formulate guidelines for possible interpretations going forward.

 An email blast was approved regarding the upcoming Project Wildfire half price yard debris event at the Knott Landfill.  Take your yard debris down between October 31 and November 10 for only $2 per yard.  Homeowners will be urged not to allow yard waste to pile up curbside for the Spring Cleanup Event until next April.  Please use this opportunity to remove curbside yard waste to the Knott Landfill for half price.

Planning for the Winter Warmer social gathering is underway.  We are looking for homeowners who may be interested in hosting the event in February.  The WRHA will cover all expenses and all Woodside Ranch residents are invited.  

 The Board is scheduled to meet next on December 12 at the home of President Skip Paznokas at 9:00 a.m.  As always, the Board meetings are open to all homeowners in Woodside Ranch.  RSVP is appreciated (board@woodsideranch.net)

 The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 pm.

 Submitted by Brian Firebaugh, WRHA Secretary.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 8/31/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip and Lynda Paznokas.  Present were Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Cathy Payne, Pat McCabe and Brian Firebaugh.

The meeting was called to order by President Skip Paznokas at 9:05 a.m.

Expenses associated with the Summer Social were approved and reimbursed.

The WRHA liability insurance premium was approved for payment.

It was agreed to try to identify possible candidates for next year's election to the Board, as all five sitting members' terms will expire at that time.

The construction and installation of signs at the main entrances to Woodside Ranch, similar to those of other neighboorhood communities, such as Awbrey Butte and the Old Farm District, were tentatively approved by the County, pending a review of the finished signs and method of installation.  Additionally, the transfer of the existing Woodside Ranch sign, presently located on Woodside Road in the Ranchettes, to the corner of Pine Vista and Woodside Road is being pursued.  The sign is showing some signs of rot at the base of the posts and my have to be replaced.  Skip will determine the best way to transport the sign to its new location and work with the County on obtaining permits, along with confirming with resident Ray Lakey, on whose property the sign will be installed.

A Fall Newsletter is scheduled to be mailed in mid-September.

The ACC has been working with various homeowners regarding suggestions to improve our community and report positive developments.

Brian has agreed to update the Master List of homeowners, including names, addresses, email addresses, etc. and the Board agreed to review the information at least annually.

Brian will contact Deputy Fire Marshal, Cindy Kettering, regarding WR's plan to become a Firewise Community. 

Brian has been in contact with Deschutes County Road Dept. Operations Manager, Tom Shamburger, regarding the chip sealing of WR roads.  There were issues with the work done so far and the County has decided to seal the surfaces of the work already done but wait until next Summer to finish the project, depending on how the roads fared over the Winter.

Neighborhood Watch was investigated by Dick Ross and he presented materials and a report.  It was decided to call for volunteers from the community to oversee this project as it was recommended that the Board exclude itself.

The Board agreed to start the process of identifying issues regarding hiring worthy youth group(s) to help WR with next year's Spring Cleanup. 

Lynda Paznokas reported on last night's successful WR Garden Tour and discussed further plans for the Gardening Group, including a possible presentation at next year's Annual Meeting by OSU's Stephen Fitzgerald and the upcoming presentation by our own noxious weeds expert, Rob Evans.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Firebaugh, WRHA Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 7/5/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip and Lynda Paznokas.  Present were Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Cathy Payne and Pat McCabe.  Absent, Brian Firebaugh. 

The meeting was called to order by President Skip at 9:10 a.m.

Skip reported that the County will chip seal Woodside Road from Knott Road to Pine Vista.  They do not feel any other streets need attention at this time.  Contact person is George Kolb with the County.

Signage for Woodside Ranch will be reported on later as the County is at the end of the fiscal year and will address this later.  Further discussion about the move of the large sign to the Lakey’s property will resume after the County gets back to Skip and he has confirmed permission from the Lakey’s.

Skip is researching what the Board can do to fix the fence at the entrance to the Forest Trail on Woodside Loop.  He will discuss that with the appropriate person at the Fire Watch B.B.Q. on July 9, 2012.

Dick Ross has volunteered to follow-up on the Neighborhood Watch organization, as there seems to be interest from WRHA members.

Skip reported that the stats covering the information on the Fire Free pick-up is not yet available.  The Board would still like to pursue having  Stu Otto drive through WR to inform us on what we need homeowners to do to be more fire safe.

Lynda Paznokas reported the gardening event at Ann and Grant Hall was a success.  The topics were Critters and Journaling.  The next meeting will be at L&S Garden on July 13, 2012 at 11:30 a.m.  August 30, 2012 will be at the home of Aelea Christofferson.  Other suggested tours or topics include a progressive tour of homes in WR, in September, a Harvest Pot-luck and maybe a tour of the Cascade Lavender Farm and Store in Culver.

The Summer Social will be held on August 1, 2012 at the home of Skip and Lynda Paznokas.  Set-up and duties of the board members were discussed.  An E-mail and newsletter will go out before the Summer Social on August 1, 2012.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

 Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Payne, Vice-President WRHA. Acting Secretary

Minutes of the Board Meeting 5/30/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Skip Paznokas, President, Cathy Payne, Vice-President, Dick Ross, Treasurer, and Brian Firebaugh, Secretary.  Member at Large, Pat McCabe was traveling.  The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

 The first order of business was a motion by Dick Ross to approve the WRHA bank statement for April.  Cathy Payne seconded and it was unanimously approved.

 Dick Ross agreed to be responsible for keeping the WR homeowner master list up to date. 

 Lynda Paznokas updated the status of the gardening group, including suggesting Stephen Fitzgerald of OSU Extension as a possible speaker for a future garden meeting.

 Cathy noted that the Woodside Loop entrance to Forest Service land is in need of repair.  Skip agreed to take charge of following up on this issue.

 Skip will send a third and final reminder to those homeowners who have not yet responded to dues requests for 2012. 

 Neighborhood Watch was discussed and it was agreed to research the possibility of instituting the program in WR.

 The recently concluded Spring Cleanup was a big success.  I will be reporting to County Forester, Joe Stutler, at the upcoming FireFree Steering Committee meeting for June.  Updates will be forthcoming.

 The Board was brought up to date on the recent meeting of Fire Committee members, Ray Miao and Brian Firebaugh with retiring Bend Fire Marshal, Gary Marshall, incoming Bend Fire Marshal (effective June 26), Larry Medina, Deputy Fire Marshal, Cindy Kettering, and Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2 Manager, Tom Fay at Fire Station 301 (West Station).  The purpose of the meeting is to initiate the Firewise Community Recognition Program here in WR.  An overview can be found on their website   HERE  

 Skip is spearheading an effort to erect street side signs at the entrances to WR identifying our community.  These will be similar to the various signs now identifying other neighborhoods throughout the Bend area.

 The Summer Social is slated for Wednesday, August 1, at 6:00 pm.  Details to be announced soon.

 Brian met with Black Butte Ranch's Jack Barringer on May 11 to discuss forest health and invasive insects.  We want to stay on top of the possibility of any problems we may have with our Ponderosas in the future.

 Skip agreed to contact the County and update us on the status of the proposed chip sealing of our streets that was scheduled for this year.

 The next Newsletter is scheduled for early July.  The Board plans to meet before publication.

 The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

 Submitted by Brian Firebaugh, WRHA Secretary.

Minutes of the Special Meeting 4/27/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Cathy Payne, and Brian Firebaugh.

The meeting opened at 9:00 a.m.

Dick Ross moved to appoint Brian Firebaugh for a two year term on the Board and Skip Paznokas seconded.  The appointment was unanimously approved.

Skip Paznokas moved to appoint Cathy Payne for a two year term on the Board and Dick Ross seconded.  The appointment was unanimously approved.

Dick Ross moved to appoint Pat McCabe for a two year term on the Board and Brian Firebaugh seconded.  The appointment was unanimously approved. 

Dick Ross nominated Skip Paznokas for President of the Board and Brian Firebaugh seconded.  The vote was unanimously in favor.

Skip Paznokas nominated Dick Ross for Treasurer and Brian Firebaugh seconded.  The vote was unanimously in favor.

Dick Ross nominated Brian Firebaugh for Secretary and Skip Paznokas seconded.  The vote was unanimously in favor.

Skip Paznokas nominated Cathy Payne for Vice President and Dick Ross seconded.  The vote was unanimously in favor. 

Dick Ross asked for a second officer on the Bank signature card and Skip Paznokas agreed to serve in that capacity.  Dick and Skip will update this information with the Bank when these minutes are approved. 

Brian Firebaugh was appointed to the Fire Committee.  He will be coordinating with the contractor and Project Wildfire regarding the Spring Cleanup event. 

Reimbursement for expenses related to the Annual Meeting were approved.  Reimbursement for expenses related to office supplies were pending.  Reimbursement for yearly website hosting fees were approved.  Skip asked for an updated email list from outgoing Secretary, Ronye Patokoski. 

The Summer Social will be held at Skip and Lynda Paznokas' house, most likely in August.  Details will be updated as they become available. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Firebaugh, Sec. WRHA

 Minutes WRHA Annual Meeting 4/2012

The meeting began with a social time at 6:00 p.m.  Refreshments were provided.  49 people were in attendance.  All Board members were present: Pres., Brian Firebaugh, Vice Pres., Skip Paznokas, Treasurer, Dick Ross, Member at large, Cathy Payne, and Secretary, Ronye Patokoski.

At 6:40 the business meeting was called to order. The Board members were introduced.  The standing committee members were introduced. 

At this time, Ron Carver, on behalf of the Board and all WR, honored outgoing ACC member, June Nachand.   She has diligently, tirelessly and sincerely served WR since the early 1980s.   No one will be able to fill her shoes.  She was given a gift card and bouquet and honored with a standing ovation.

Approval of Minutes: Copies of the minutes from the last annual meeting on May 2011 were available for review.  Ronye called for a motion to approve the minutes.  Anita Stewart so moved.  Gary Wirth seconded.  The minutes were approved by a show of hands.

Treasurer’s Report: Dick provided copies of the treasurer’s report and the proposed budget for 2012.  He explained a new category, a reserve fund, for fire clean up if no grant money was available and he pointed out that there were no legal expenditures during this last year.  Ron Carver moved and Ray Lakey seconded a motion to approve the budget and expenditures.  The motion was approved by a show of hands.

Election of Officers: The Board has 3 vacant seats for the next 2 year term.  There are no candidates for those seats at this time.  Brian asked for nominations from the floor.  None were offered.  The seats will be filled by appointment at a future date.

Amendment survey results: Brian gave the results from the survey mailing that question membership if the amendment should again be visited and another vote taken for phases 2,4,5,6.  The return on the mailing came to not more than 20%.  A non response was considered a “no” response.  “I think we have the answer”, Brian stated.  The Board decided to rest this issue and not pursue it again in the near future.  Dick pointed out that phases 1 and 3 have already accepted the amendment in 2009 and that the ACC with the support of the association has resolved some issues in very satisfactory result in those phases, invoking no legal issues at all.   Skip remarked that in spite of the votes of the amendment in 2009, the association and the Board of Directors and the committee members represent and work for 2,4,5,6 phases of WR offering reinforcement, guidance but not owning the legal authority.

Dues Reminder:  Skip reported that letters were mailed a few weeks ago to those property owners who had not paid dues recently and in some cases, to those who had never paid.  Skip noted that the response was very positive from all phases bringing the paid membership numbers up.  He explained the fact that the response does confirm that many property owners in all phases support and care about WR.

Jim Powell took the floor to say that he wanted to acknowledge this Board of directors.  He has found them to be diplomatic, respectful, and helpful to work with.  He noted that for the first time he saw the Board and the ACC work together to physically clean up a property where there were some problems and fire debris needed to be cleared.

Social Events:  Pat Mc Cabe hosted a successful Summer Social last Aug.  Kay Flynn hosted an equally successful Winter Warmer this last Jan.  Thank you to both of you for opening up your homes for great events.

Website:  Brian has revamped the www.woodsideranch.net website to make it more user friendly.  There have been approximately 6000 hits. He keeps it current on all topics.  It offers all kinds of information as well as pertinent links, etc.   Skip noted the creativity that Brian has shown and we owe him a debt of gratitude for this progressive step to improve communication among residents and also the outside world.  Brian got a round of applause for his good work.

 New Business: The Gardeners Corner:  Homeowners have expressed interest in sharing their knowledge and experiences of gardening in CO.  We have several Master Gardeners living among us.  Lynda Paznokas, master gardener, has been willing to be the driving force to get things started.   She presented the new endeavor to the meeting.  An initial gathering of interested parties was held and some of the goals they are looking forward to are: drop in gatherings highlighting different topics, garden tours to see successes, help and advice for those in need, how to deal with pests and critters, beautification projects here in WR.  The website offers contact info as well as other information.

Deschutes County Dept of Forestry:

FIREFREE presentation:  Katie Lighthall, director of project wildfire, Stu Otto, ODF Prineville, Tom Andrade, ODF Sisters were present.  Katie informed the group that the cleanup will start on May 4th.  Botanical Development will be the contractor.  She said that the things they will pick up has expanded from what we knew earlier and they will take trees and even stumps.  So now is the time to really clean up.  Have your piles complete by May 3.  123 properties are on the list so far.

Stu Otto who is the liaison for FIREWISE program described the process to be such a community.  The fire committee and some membership have expressed an interest in achieving this recognition.  An action plan would be developed in cooperation with the Board to problem solve and mitigate issues.  The benefits would be to have signs of recognition throughout the neighborhood.  Insurance companies and grants would look on it favorably.  We would be recognized as a fire adaptive community. Pat Pease asked if non tended lots would have to be cleaned up.  Yes, working with the Board that would hopefully happen.

 Tom Andrade praised the Woodside neighborhood on all the fire fuel clean up we have accomplished over the last few years.  He said the data shows that we are one of the very best examples in the entire state at 70% of properties complying in certifiable clean up.  He thought possibly even a higher percentage.  He will provide a data sheet in the future to verify the standing.    Anita Stewart inquired about certification.  There are 5 trained assessors in WR to certify properties.  The website has all this information and appropriate links.  Also FIREFREE is on Facebook.   This closed the business portion of the meeting.

Proposed Water Tower:  Roats Water intends to build a new water tower reservoir on their property at the upper Woodside Rd. intersection area.  The neighbors wanted input on this issue.  Skip agreed to moderate an informational forum at this meeting.  In attendance were representatives from Roats Water;  legal counsel, Neil Bryant and engineer, Dirk Duryee. 

First Jim Powell, long time resident here at WR and ACC committee head  gave a complete background of the water line development for WR as new phases were built and shared his considerable research and interesting facts  gathered both in the past and currently.  A pump design provides our water supply.  Jim is a resource for many more facts. No paperwork has been filed with Deschutes County yet.

Dirk described the possible design of such a tower, being 50 ft. in diameter and 24 ft. high.    He explained the need for improvements for the Roats supply.  There is increased use by homeowners, especially overwatering in some cases. 

Questions and answers followed, spearheaded by Judy and Rich Rotondi.  Their property is very near the area.  The wish would be to have an underground tank if possible and such questions about landscaping and property values were discussed.  The cost of the project and the PUC regulation of costs were explained by Neil.  He inquired if the neighbors would be willing to pay extra if a more desirable design was possible but more costly.  Skip said that would be a whole new issue for the membership to consider.  Would a volunteer program to limit watering to certain days, etc. be a possibility?

Addendum 10/23/12:  At the request of two WRHA members in attendance, and after verification, the minutes will be amended to reflect a statement made by Neil Bryant to the effect that the water stored in the proposed water tower would be exclusively for Woodside Ranch use, except in the case of an emergency when Roats, Avion, and the City of Bend would work together as needed to address the emergency.  

At 8:25 there was a call to adjourn.  Brian expressed appreciation for all those who came to participate and those who presented at the meeting.  He thanked everyone for a good meeting.

Meeting closed.

Submitted by outgoing Sec., Ronye Patokoski

Minutes of the Board Meeting 4/19/12

The meeting opened at 2:00 p.m.  Present were Brian Firebaugh, Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Cathy Payne and Ronye Patokoski.  It was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.

The meeting was called to finalize the agenda and make arrangements for the upcoming Annual Meeting on April 24th.

Lynda Paznokas has a suggestion for the newly offered Garden Club in Woodside which would include a presentation from a well kown local expert to kick off the growing season.  Dick moved and Ronye seconded that the Board support and approve payment to such an expert in the amount of approximately $100.  All approved and the motion passed.  Lynda will be on the annual meeting agenda describing the gardener's offering.

Dick presented the treasurer's current budget report and the proposed annual budget for 2012.  Skip requested the budget include an item for neighborhood signs that would identify the streed entrances to all the Woodside Phases.  The Board didn't move on it at this time.

Dick offered to be responsible for the refreshments at the annual meeting.  He will also provide an up to date list of paid Association  members.  Cathy will help with getting things set up.

Ronye will send out an meeting email reminder to all residents that have provided email addresses.  

The Amendment Survey results show no majority of interest in voting again for the Amendment in Phases 2, 4, 5, 6.  It was agreed among these Board members to put it to rest at this time.  

The Annual Meeting agenda order and agenda items werer discussed and will be finalized by emails to the Board.

Brian brought us all up to date on the communication that has taken place regarding the Roats Water plan to build a new water tower.  

Ronye will make copies of the agenda, the minutes from the last Annual Meeting, ballots for voting, and provide name tags.  Skip will copy the financial sheet.  

Dick had to leave early.

More discussion took place regarding Firefree clean up and issues that need to be addressed with the future Board of Directors.  

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.  

Submitted by Ronye Patokoski, Sec. WRHA

Minutes of the Board Meeting 3/1/12

Present for the meeting were Brian Firebaugh, Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Ronye Patokoski, and Cathy Payne.

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.

The meeting came to order at 6:10 p.m.

First item- Skip has sorted and analyzed the data on the property owners’ spreadsheet and he presented a graph sheet and breakdown analysis covering the last three years of membership trends including the beginning of 2012.  Since March 1 has arrived, reminders will be mailed out to those owners who have not yet paid dues for 2012.  A sample of the letter was reviewed and edited by the Board.  There will be 2 mailings, one to the owners who normally pay but haven’t paid this year yet and the second to the owners who have not paid in recent years.  Cathy will assist with the mailings.  Skip moved and Brian seconded to accomplish the mailing.  The motion passed unanimously.

Second item- A newsletter needs to go out several weeks ahead of the Annual Meeting.  We should prepare it by the end of this month.  Content of the newsletter should include: an article about the gardeners corner, the Annual Meeting agenda with highlighted speakers, the business meeting with election of officers, the date, time and location.  The gardeners’ corner is already introduced on the Woodside website.

Some emails will be sent before the newsletter comes out to have owners consider doing a spell on the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies expected.  Perhaps an email should be sent out announcing the gardener’s corner, with a reference to the website, because the time to prepare for gardening this spring and summer is drawing near. 

Third item-  Brian and Dick have designed an Amendment Survey to be sent to 4 phases that are not yet under the umbrella of the Association.  Board members reviewed the content and made suggestions.  It will be edited and sent out to Board members for approval and a mailing will be planned.

The Architectural Control Committee would like the support of the Board to approach an issue in phase 1.  The entire Board supports the action and deems it a valuable approach.  Brian will contact the ACC and inform them of our support. 

The Procedure for Non-Compliance, which has evolved over the last year or so, is an accompaniment to section A and B of the First Amendment that deals with the subject of non-compliance, remedies and reinforcement.  It spells out the process.  (will be attached).  Ronye moved and Brian seconded that this document be added to the Rules and Regulations.  All approved, the motion passed.  Brian gave an update on Roats Water.  Nothing new to add except that Casey Roats will make a presentation at some future date on the water projects planned.

The upcoming fire fuel cleanup was discussed.  It will occur in May.  The topic will be presented at the Annual Meeting.  More information will be available after Brian and Gary Frazier attend the monthly fire free meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by Ronye Patokoski, Sec.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 2/2/12

The meeting was held at the home of Skip Paznokas.  Present were:  Pres., Brian Firebaugh, Vice Pres., Skip Paznokas, Treas., Dick Ross, member-at-large, Cathy Payne and Sec., Ronye Patokoski.

For the meeting, Gary Frazier, Richard Scott and Dennis Krakow were present.  Lynda Paznokas asked to make a request at the opening of the meeting and then did not stay for the remainder of the meeting.

The meeting opened at 6:05 p.m. 

The first agenda item was to hear Lynda’s request for a new entry on the website.  There has been a growing interest in gardening in Woodside and there are several master gardeners living here.  She suggests that the website offer a “gardener’s corner” of sorts to address a variety of topics re gardening in Central Oregon.  There can be advice, suggestions and maybe an invitation to form a garden club.  She has obtained permission from the OSU extension service, specifically, Amy Jo Detweiler, to use some of the newsletter, “High Desert Gardening”, to publish on the WR website too.   Gardening in CO is challenging and different from gardening in other areas so it would address all aspects of this topic.  It was moved by Cathy and seconded by Ronye and approved unanimously by the board to grant this request.  Lynda will put together an introduction to this new addition on the website.  She also would like to include it as a topic at the Annual Meeting.

The second agenda item was the treasurer’s report.  Dick circulated the latest bank statement and his expenditures for the members to review.  It was moved by Cathy and seconded by Brian to accept this report.  All approved.

The third agenda item was a concern that one of the homeowners had about chromium levels in our Roats water supply.  Brian reports that after talking to Casey Roats, he was told that the EPA does not require testing for chromium levels, but anyone can have their water tested at any time by using the services of a testing lab.  Casey also told him that he plans improvements in spring of 2013 to the aging Roats facilities including an above ground water tank which will upgrade water supply at peak demands and aid in firefighting.  He has been invited to the Annual Meeting but is unable to attend.

Someone mentioned the control burn schedule and there is a public number to access.  According to the Deschutes County .org website the pile burning is wrapped up as of January 2012.  The Forest Service dispatch line is 541-416-6800 for further information.

The fourth agenda item was a report from Brian about legal counsel regarding the ongoing procedural issues to implement the amendment, etc.  He has contacted Karna Gustavson who deals with homeowners associations.  Nothing new was presented from that contact.

At this time Richard Scott, former Board member, proceeded to present his views on the interpretation of the amendment to the covenants.  He read from the amendment the procedure for noncompliance, as it would apply to the collection of dues.   Discussion ensued.  Gary Frazier, former Board president, also then weighed in with his ideas and questions regarding this Boards interpretation of the legal aspects of the amendment regarding dues collection.  They would both like to see the process for noncompliance used in collection of dues.  They would like to see reminders sent out to nonpaying members at 30 and 90 days.  The recent newsletter information gives until March 1st so that schedule will be adjusted with regard to the reminders this year.   The Board members were in general agreement that reminders can be sent after March 1st.   Dick will compose a reminder letter for non-payers.  These former Board members did the majority of the work on the amendment in 2008 and 2009 and know the intent of the process.

Dennis, on the Traffic and Safety Committee, asked to address his concerns which were mainly about the OHV ongoing issue and the concern about speeding and running stop signs in Woodside.  He would like to see some uniforms at some of the intersections occasionally so that warnings could be given and drivers would exercise more caution.  The sheriff has already told us at one of the Annual Meetings that they need documentation (license numbers) and (when and where) information to really be affective.  The OHV project is currently not obtaining funding according to Peter Sussman, but Dennis requests that the Board and HOA continue to write letters to let them know that our concerns have not faded.  He will compose a letter and circulate it to the Board for support.

Someone brought up the topic of rampant noxious weeds in Woodside and it was suggested that this could also be a topic for the gardening section of the website. We can request input from Rob Evans, the chair of the noxious weeds committee, to be involved and maybe schedule a “weed pull”.  With newcomers to CO the education regarding noxious weeds needs to be ongoing.

At this time, more discussion took place about reaching out to all phases to educate and inform about the amendment issue and the value of the CC&Rs.  Ronye would like to see a roundtable take place to inform those key people in each phase that have expressed interest,  to help learn about the CC&R policies.   Brian is drafting a letter intended to go out to everyone per this issue.  Dick will compose a reminder letter for non-payers.  The ACC would like to have a letter from the Board defining support for their reviews and documentation.

Skip requests that we still consult with legal counsel to have some questions answered and have it on the docket soon.  Those arrangements will be made for the month of February to meet with Jim Slothower.

A few incidents have prompted the need to inform realtors that the HOA is here and functioning and that there is no question of CC&Rs in Woodside.   Ronye passed around a draft letter to possibly be sent to real estate companies to prompt them to be accurate in their listings for Woodside.  We will have further discussion at a later date.

The fire fuel cleanup topic was covered and Brian will keep us all up to date as he hears more during the monthly fire meetings.

The Winter Warmer held on January 29th at the home of Kay Flynn was very successful.  Thank you to Kay for hostessing, and a special thank you to Skip and his wife Lynda for doing all the planning and most of the work.  Good Job.  We had 36 people sign in.  Some people at the gathering talked about writing a history of Woodside Ranch.  We would all encourage further work on this.

Ronye requested a change in the minutes from the Board meeting in January.  She recorded the year inaccurately.  The board all approved a date update on the minutes to 2012.  Correction will be made.

At 8:15, it was moved by Dick and seconded by Cathy to adjourn the meeting.  All approved.

Submitted by Ronye Patokoski, Sec.

Minutes of the Board Meeting 1/5/12

The meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Ronye Patokoski.

Present were Brian Firebaugh, Skip Paznokas, Dick Ross, Cathy Payne and Ronye Patokoski.

The meeting opened at 2:05 with Dick presenting the treasurer’s report.  The statement and balance sheet were reviewed by all members. Skip moved and Cathy seconded to approve the treasurer’s report and it was approved unanimously.

Skip described the newsletter that he has prepared and asked for any input.  It is expected to be sent out in a week or so.  The content includes the invitation to the Winter Warmer which will be held on January 29th at the home of Kay Flynn.  Plans were made to facilitate the mailing of the newsletter.  Skip has prepared an email blast to invite residents to the Winter Warmer to give them a little advance notice to mark their calendars.  Most of the Board members will be available to help put together the Winter Warmer.  Skip plans to coordinate the party and we all stand ready to help put it together.

Cathy brought up a concern that even though the annual debris removal is months away, that  some properties are already piling up needles and branches at the roadside which is unsightly and could increase  fire danger to our area.  Brian will post something on the website and will also post the invitation to the Winter Warmer.

Dick wanted to know how many hits there are on the website.  The site currently has more than 4000 hits.

Brian attends the monthly Fire Free meeting with members of the fire committee.  Joe Stutler, county forester, has assured everyone that there will be money available to clean up this spring/summer.  The Board discussed the prospect of how the logistics will be handled especially since the cleanup will be after the Annual Meeting and there will be new Board members to take care of all the details. Brian and Cathy offered to manage the process.  Even though the funding comes through the county, the work of organizing the neighborhood cleanup rests on the Board members and committee members.  There may be additional cost to the pick-up if it is not completely funded as has happened in some years past.   Discussion followed to address covering any over cost in the fairest manner.

The issue of mandatory association fees will be tabled at this time pending a meeting with legal counsel to understand the method of collection and to put it in place.  Prior to a meeting with legal counsel, hopefully Jim Slothower, Dick will start a list of questions for the lawyer and circulate it for additional questions and ideas from other Board members.  A meeting will be set and at least two Board members will meet with the lawyer to glean the information needed.

Future meeting needs then are, a February meeting with the lawyer and an open Board meeting, an open Board meeting in March and the Annual Meeting in April.  During this period, the election process for Board members will be reviewed and readied.  Any possible candidates will be encouraged to consider participating.  Three seats will be open to fill this year.   The dates for members to check are:  February 2nd at 6 p.m., March 1st at 6 p.m. and the 4th Tuesday in April, which is April 24th, for the Annual Meeting.  Skip has offered his home for the open meetings in Feb. and March.  Dick Ross will contact Nativity Lutheran for the meeting place in April.

At 3:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Ronye Patokoski, Sec. WRHA