Our great community is regulated by neighborhood CC&Rs, County Ordinances, City regulations and State and Federal law. Although all of us take pride in being law abiding citizens, it is not always easy to keep up to date on what's allowed and what's not these days. In the majority of cases regarding noncompliance, the underlying cause is generally due to homeowners being unaware of what is permitted by their CC&Rs.
This website feature is designed to highlight some of the more commonly observed issues of noncompliance within Woodside Ranch.
To make suggestions or for further information, please contact the Board at board@woodsideranch.net. For you convenience, CC&Rs for all six Phases are available by clicking the Documentation link above or to in the right hand column under TOPICS.
RV/Trailer Storage
Feed the Wildlife
Outdoor cats
Open burning is PROHIBITED in WR
According to the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act, Woodside Ranch is classified as an 'Extreme' fire risk. Every year during fire season, wildfire is the greatest single natural threat to our community.
In order to help protect our neighborhood from the ravages of wildfire, open burning has always been prohibited in Woodside Ranch. The ban on open burning in WR, as it is within the Bend city limits, is in effect 365 days a year.
Section 2 of the CC&Rs states, "Unless the Committee has consented in writing, no parts of said property shall be used in any of the following ways: (c) As a place to burn trash, cuttings, or other items, with the exception of barbecue fires."
A burn permit from the Fire Department does NOT override the opening burning ban established by our CC&Rs. It is the responsibility of the homeowner, not the Fire Department, to know what the CC&Rs allow for their subdivision.
The WRHA attempts to organize annual cleanup events, either in conjunction with government grants or, if necessary, with Association financial support and reasonable homeowner fees, wherein the residents provide the 'sweat equity' by piling yard clippings by the street for pickup, hauling, and cleanup.
For further information and alternatives to burning, please
visit the City of Bend Fire Department by clicking... HERE
Dog Owner Responsibilities
Bend has more households with dogs than children! For the safety and enjoyment of your dog and protection for you as a homeowner, it is important to know the Deschutes County Ordinances regulating dog ownership. Vaccinations and annual licenses are required for all dogs in Deschutes County. County Code 6.04
In Woodside Ranch, dogs must be under complete control at all times. When off the owner's premises, a dog not under such control by a capable person is legally considered to be 'At Large' and a public nuisance. When off leash, dogs must be under demonstrable voice control of their handlers. County Code 6.08
A dog is a public nuisance when it:
- Chases vehicles or persons
- Damages the property of others
- Scatters garbage
- Trespasses on private property
- Disturbs any person by frequent or prolonged noises
- Places a person in reasonable fear of imminent physical injury when off premises
- Bites, injures or attacks a person
All incidences of dog bites, whether or not the skin is broken, should be immediately reported to animal control at 541-693-6911 (non-emergency 911) but if this is an emergency, call 911. The sheriff's office will dispatch an officer to meet you either at the medical treatment facility, your house, or the incident site, whichever you choose. They must quarantine the dog and check for proper licenses and vaccinations. Even if the dog has not bitten through the skin, the incident must be reported so that animal control can check for any history of behavioral problems with the dog. This means that the dog will have to undergo the trauma of a quarantine which should be enough reason for all dog owners to keep their pets safe and under control.
Finally, please practice canine courtesy and pick up after your dog. Take a plastic bag with you on your walks with your pooch and dispose of their waste properly.